Below you can find some surnames which people had / have in the Czech Republic. There is described briefly the origin of those surnames. In the future new ones will be added or you can contact us directly to research it for you. In the text you can find the following abbreviation:

abb. = abbreviation
C = Czech
G = German
L = Latin

S u r n a m e s

- A, B -

Adamec - biblical first name Adam
Adler - G Adler = eagle
Andel - Greek angelos = envoy, messenger

Anderle - diminutive G first name Andreas
- spice (anise)
Arbes - G Arbeis,Erbse = peas
- G first name Ernest, Ornest = respect, deciveness
August - L adjective augustus = noble; sometimes abbreviation of first name Augustin
Baar,Bar - local name Bor; first name Bartolomej
Babak - member of midwife´s family; timid man
Bajer - G Baier,Bayer = Bavarian
Balaban - hunting-bait
Balbin,Balvin - G first name Baldwin
Bartl - diminutive G first name Bartholomaeus
Bastyr - fish-guard; castle-inhabitant
Becvar - cooper
Behoun - quick man; tramp
Berchtold,Bertold - G beraht = superb and walten = rule
Besta - first name Sebestian
Beyer - see Bajer
Bezdek - adverb bezdeky = involuntary
Bica - first name Vincenc
Bilek - adjective bily = white
Bina - first name Benedikt
Blaschke - see Blazek
Blazek - Greek blasios = clumsy
Bocan - stork
Bocek - illegitimate child; diminutive of old C first name Bok
Bohdal - stork
Bouza - first name Budivoj,Budislav
Brabec - sparrow
Brett - G board
Brettschneider - G board-maker
Brezina - birch wood; local name; clumsy man
Brom - G first name Wolfram,Olbram
Broz - first name Ambroz
Brt,Brtek - ancient C bee-nest inside
of tree
Bruna - white horse; kind of mill-wheel
Brzek - ancient C brzy = quick
Burda - big man; first name Burian
Burdych - see Burda
Burian - first name
Busek - diminutive first name Bus,Bohuchval, Budimir,Budislav,Budivoj,Bohuslav
Bysek,Byska - diminutive first name Bys; first name Pribyslav,Zbyhnev

- C, D -

Caba - cabit = cry; pot used to play cubes
Cafourek - ancient C cafur = heretic
Caha - who stays the last one
Cajthaml - ram intended for slaughter
Calda,Calta - ancient C calta = kind of pastry
Carboch - bloated stomach
Carda - clever man; joyful man
Cigler,Ciegler - G Ziegler = brick-maker
Cimrman,Cimerman - G Zimmermann = hewer
Cisler,Cizler - G Ziesler = basket-maker
Coufal - to go backwards
Curda - to grin
Dejl,Deyl - piece of raw iron
Denk - G tenk = left
Devera - ancient C dever = brother-in-law
Divis - Greek first name Dionysios
Dluhos - first name Dluhomil,Dluhoslav,Dluhovoj
Dobes - first name Dobestoj,Dobeslav,Tobias
Dobias - first name Tobias
Dolezal - nickname of idler
Donat - L donatus = presented as gift
Dopita - nickname of drunkard
Dostal - get gift; keep word
Drahorad - who likes to sell at high rate; first name Drahoslav,Drahomil
Drda - fidget
Dospiva,Duspiva - man who drinks too much
Dusek - first name Duchoslav
Dvorak - free farmer
Dvorsky - man from large farm

- E, F -

Eben - G straight
Eber - G
wild pig; abb. of G first name Eberhart
Eck,Ek - abb. G first name Eckart; local name in Bavaria or Austria
Eckart - ancient G hard edge
Eichler,Aichler - local name; G Eiche = oak
Exler - G Oechsler = small peasant

Faber - L faber = blacksmith
Faifr,Fajfr - G Pfeifer = fifer
Fait,Fajt,Feit - G first name Veit
Faist,Feist - G feist = fat, greasy
Falber - G falber = fawn
Falta,Faltys,Faltus,Faltys - first name Valentin
Feig,Feik,Fejk- G feig = coward
Fencl - first name Wenzel, Vaclav
Fendrych,Fenrych - G Fahnrich = ensign
Ferbas,Firbas - G vurbaz = forwards, ahead
Fibich - G Fiebich or Viehweg = grassland
Fidler,Fiedler - musician
Fiser,Fischer - G fisherman
Flegel,Flegl,Floegel - G flail
Fogl - G Vogel = bird
Foit,Fojt - first name Veit; village mayor
Foreit,Forejt - G Vorreiter = forerider
Forman - carter
Forst - G Foerster = game-keeper
Freilach - G free forest
Frelich - G frohlich = joyful
Fremuth - G sincerity
Frohlich - G joyful
Fuchs,Fuks,Fuxa - G fox
Fugner - G vuegen = make order