(lists of manorial labour duties)

The necessity to adjust conditions of manorial serfs was discussed at the imperial court already in 1771 - 1775. The serf-uprising in 1775 caused the Charter of manorial labour was issued 13th August 1775.

Manorial duties (labour) were mentioned in the item # 7. The maximum number of manorial labour (handy one and with animals) was 3 days per week. The manorial labour was assessed according to taxes from 1773. All serfs were devided into 11 classes (7 classes worked handy manorial labour, 4 classes did it with animals). If the tax from 1773 was more than 42 fr 45 xr, a serf had to work 3 days for handy manorial labour (in this case only 19 days from St. John to St. Wenceslaus) and 3 days with animals.

The scheme of manorial duties in virtue of the Charter:
1. farm labourers were to work 13 days per year
2. a serf who possessed a house and in 1773 paid the tax not more than 57 xr, he was to work 26 days per year
3. who paid between 57 xr - 2 fr 51 xr, he was to work 1 day per week
4. who paid between 2 fr 51 xr - 4 fr 45 xr, he was to work 1 1/2 day per week
5. who paid between 4 fr 45 xr - 7 fr 7 1/2 xr, he was to work 2 days per week
6. who paid between 7 fr 7 1/2 xr - 9 fr 30 xr, he was to work 2 1/2 days per week
7. who paid more than 9 fr 30 xr, he was to work 3 days per week

Serfs who did both manorial labour (handy one and with animals) and paid more than 9 fr 30 xr in 1773, now they were to work:
1. who paid not more than 14 fr 15 xr, he was to work with 1 animal for 3 days per week
2. who paid between 14 fr 15 xr - 28 fr 30 xr, he was to work with 2 animal for 3 days per week + 1 day of handy manorial labour per week from St. John to St. Wenceslaus (between June 24 - Sept. 28)
3. who paid between 28 fr 30 xr - 42 fr 45 xr, he was to work with 3 animal for 3 days per week + 2 days of handy manorial labour per week from St. John to St. Wenceslaus
4. who paid more than 42 fr 45 xr, he was to work with 4 animal for 3 days per week + 2 days of handy manorial labour per week from St. John to St. Wenceslaus

It looks like people who paid higher taxes were to work more than others. We must realize they had a lot of day-labourers, farm-labourers who were sent to work instead of these big farmers.